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Enjoying Poker in the Modern World

Poker in the modern world has made an impact that began over 200 years ago. Often associated with the Wild West and American culture, the game is enjoyed in different formats all over the world to this day. Here, the game is looked at from various angles in a modern way:

  1. The Poker Lifestyle
  2. The Psychology of a Poker Player
  3. Poker and Modern Culture
  4. Poker and Modern Video Games
  5. News and Poker in the Modern World

Anyone can enjoy poker, and indeed, many do. It's a great social game, but it takes specific skills and a certain mindset to truly excel at it. Yet, even if you don't play, you will recognize the many references to poker in pop culture, and there are numerous ways you can stay informed about it.

The Poker Lifestyle

There are two ways to approach poker. The first is as someone who enjoys the game and plays often or every now and then for fun and social activity. The second is as a professional who makes their living, or at least part of it, playing poker. Either way requires that you learn how to play well, or you will lose a lot. And that's no fun, whether you play for money or not. As a professional, poker life can be stressful because it directly dictates your overall income.

Social Inclusion and Gaming

You don't need to be a high-stakes poker player to enjoy the game. Poker for money is actually illegal in many places because it is considered gambling. However, the game is just as fun to play without money being involved, and chips are your currency. The fact that you need a few players to have a really good game makes it an excellent pastime for social inclusion and a great way to get together with friends, which is vital for removing feelings of loneliness in life.

How to Play Poker in the Modern World

We live in a world where almost anything is possible, and technology gives us many advantages. Around 100 million people all over the world play poker for money. But you don't need to do that, and you can enjoy poker for fun in various ways today. Some of the most common include these:

  • Join free online poker gaming sites like 247 Free Poker to enjoy without limits.
  • Get together on video conferencing and enjoy playing remotely with friends.
  • Play poker on the go with poker games from your smartphone's app store.

The internet allows you to play poker for free on various websites. This means you can learn to play as a beginner without any risk. As a professional, using your phone to keep up your skills or even enter quick no-cash tournaments can help pass the time and keep your brain engaged.

Poker as a Hobby

Like any game, poker is a great hobby that can keep you engaged, especially when you have friends who also enjoy it. Yet poker is also a fun family experience and a welcome detour from watching TV or movies all day, making holidays and family gatherings more enjoyable. As more of a solitary person, you can enjoy poker online with friends or engage with strangers for a little while playing a game you all love. The math and skill involved also keep your brain a bit sharper.

Making Money from Playing Poker

No one is advocating gambling or suggesting you play poker for money. However, there are many people all over the world who enjoy poker as a means of income where it is legal. Poker for income actually isn't recommended since only around the top 15% of players in most tournaments and platforms make any profit. This means you will probably lose more than you earn. There are strategies for competitive poker, but free games like 247 Poker are risk-free.

The Psychology of a Poker Player

Poker is a game of chance, that's true. But it also requires a lot of skill to successfully play. The rules of each game of poker, from Texas Hold'Em to 2-7 Triple Draw, are different. It will help you focus on one type of game and hone your skills, as each game attracts a different type of player. Poker can best be thought of as a battle of wills, and there are a few psychological traits, alongside skills, that you could consider the essential makeup of a successful poker player.

Not Giving Up

As a new poker player, it can be easy to give up and never return to the game after losing. But then, how do you get better? Poker is one of the best types of games. These are games that actively assist you in getting better at them the more you play. When you play poker for any amount of time, you begin to see where you are making mistakes, and you can rectify them. Of course, no two games are the same, and this is where your persistence in learning pays off.

The Patience of a Poker Player

We all love hobbies, and we all should have them. Yet with work and life unbalanced these days, most people spend only 9 days a year doing something they love, even though the vast majority try new ones. Fortunately, you can enjoy and get better at poker with a patient mindset:

  • Practice as much as you can using free sites such as 247 Poker to hone your skills.
  • Join groups on social media and share poker tips that work when faced with a challenge.
  • Understand your personal strengths and weaknesses to use when you game.

Only with practice will you get better at one of the most complex games ever made. Free poker games are everywhere on the web, so you can hone your skills there. Online poker groups are also very welcoming. And only by addressing your mistakes can you avoid repeating them later.

Socially Managing Poker in the Modern World

Like any hobby, poker should be to fill your spare time without taking your valuable time. So, like any other thing you love to do, it helps to manage how you play the game. Poker is best enjoyed with others when you have the time to do so. A get-together, either through online poker or even using Zoom or Skype, can be a great way to satisfy your social cravings. Yet even risk-free poker can be addictive, so try to limit play to when you're available to take part and are feeling well.

Keeping Yourself Disciplined

The feeling of losing virtual money when playing online poker games can be almost as deflating as real money. However, there is no real impact of losing virtual money. When playing for real money, one of the greatest psychological benefits you have is discipline. Poker is a game of gambling, so only risk money you can afford to lose when playing against others. It also helps to stay within your staking limits and join groups of players within the same skill level as well.

Poker and Modern Culture

There are few games of chance, skill, or fiction that have influenced modern pop culture. And even fewer that have had an impact, like poker. Being over 200 years old has helped poker become a popular game. Yet it has also been spurred on by celebrity references and inclusion in works of art by famous people across movies, TV, and music production. Yet poker also influences how some people even perceive their life and how it plays out each moment in time.

The Dichotomy of Luck and Skill

In a bold reflection of life, poker can be thought of as two games in one. On the one hand, you are beholden to the luck of the draw. Yet, on the other hand, you can influence the outcome of any game with changes to what you do. The way we live can be thought of in the same way, and far from ancient superstition, to this day, many of us accept this dichotomy. We can never know what will happen next, but we have a lot of power in how we deal with each situation we face.

The Pop Culture References of Poker

Online poker is a popular game in and of itself, and sites like 247 Poker offer a great experience. Yet there is more to poker than online gaming, and it has permeated pop culture as something of an influence to almost 50% of internet users through music videos alone and others such as:

  • Lady Gaga's massive hit single Poker Face is a bit too obvious to miss.
  • James Bond is a supreme poker player with an intense game in Casino Royale.
  • One of the funniest episodes of Friends includes iconic poker games.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation often includes the crew playing poker together.
  • Modern phrases such as "to call someone's bluff" directly come from poker.

Huge celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Fifty Cent use poker motifs as stylized depictions in their videos and on album covers. Poker is often played in cult movies and hot TV shows, including Friends, where poker makes its way into our lives through terminology.

Why Poker is Seen Everywhere

You could argue that poker is seen a lot in modern life because of its age and popularity. This is true to some degree, but just being old or even popular doesn't guarantee an impact on society. Therefore, there must be more to the game than these as to why it is seen everywhere. On the one hand, it is a fun social game, like Monopoly. Yet the argument can be made for a deeper meaning as it relates to the human mind based on recognizable symbols and numerology.

Is Poker in the Modern World Socially Acceptable?

In and of itself, poker is a social game, but there are societal issues with the game. The often misleading characteristic of poker is that it is gambling. Yet the game is only considered gambling when real money is involved. As for whether it fuels an addictive personality and creates a gambling problem is open for debate. But then the case could be made against any popular and highly enjoyable game. The social acceptance of poker is essentially personal.

Poker and Modern Video Games

Modern video games have come a long way since Space Wars, Space Invaders, and Pong. Yet many of the most successful franchises, such as The Elder Scrolls, Civilization, and even X-Com, rely on a particular set of rules defined by traditional tabletop games and RPGs. By their very nature, these games are defined by specific sets of rules, just like poker. Poker translates very well to the video game medium and can even be found within many games themselves.

Video Games Using Poker

Based on the setting and story of a specific game, poker lends itself well to playing inside a video game. One of the most enjoyable and controversial is Red Dead Redemption 2. RDR2 takes place in the last days of the Wild West, where poker, of course, was part of the culture of the day. The controversy arose with the online component, where many countries claimed it promoted gambling and using real money for in-game currency could be used as a medium.

Enjoying Poker in Virtual Reality

Poker in video games is controversial, regardless of the age restriction of the game. Online poker, like 247 Poker, whether risk-free or using real money, is enjoyed by many people. Modern mediums like VR offer enhanced experiences where you can join over 170 million VR users:

  • Poker VR allows you to enjoy an authentic poker experience.
  • Gangsta Underground combines a fun narrative with underground poker.
  • PokerStars VR is an enjoyable experience, if somewhat cheesy and vibrant.

VR poker is an enhanced way to enjoy the game by feeling like you are part of an online community. Some offer a bizarre take on gaming, while others offer an authentic casino experience in 3D VR as if you were really there from the comfort of your own home.

The Rise of Card Video Games

Online poker and other card games, such as TT RPG games, have had a huge influence on modern video games. Yet card games are also making their way into popular video game culture themselves. Games such as The Witcher's Gwent, Marvel's Midnight Suns, and Slay the Spire are based on sets of rules from popular card games, including poker. Turn, and actions are determined by predetermined hands over which the player has no control but for limited redraws.

The Gambling Angle

Of course, video games are a business, and like any modern business, some developers and almost all publishers look to squeeze every penny from gamers. Not content with the insane amounts of money some gamers spend on DLC and extra content, paid-for loot boxes were introduced a few years ago. These offer the chance to win high-end content, but no guarantee. Countries such as Belgium and Australia have restricted these by branding them as gambling.

News and Poker in the Modern World

In our 24/7 society, news is never too far away. Anything you need is right at your fingertips using the web, and this includes poker and gaming. The vital news you require, such as strategies, tournament dates, and trends, can be as quick as a glance at your smartphone. Of course, there are numerous mediums available to all, which is good news if you prefer the traditional. Expanding your awareness and knowledge helps keep you engaged, playing, and winning.

Playing and Learning

Researching the hobby you enjoy is a great way to keep up with it. Yet the fun is in exploring what the activity offers for you and what you can take from it. The best way to understand poker is to play it in all its forms and find the game that you love. Practice makes perfect, and you can understand your own strengths and weaknesses by playing poker more, whether you prefer to play online poker using free poker sites or even VR poker games and non-risk tournaments.

Modern Ways to Stay Informed

Of course, we all love to stay informed these days because we know how easy it is. Quick and easy access to anything is also available. One survey in the UK found that 32% of people get their news from Facebook. Yet there are other ways to stay informed about poker, such as:

  • Subscribe to poker or gaming magazines eZines for genuine related articles.
  • Check popular websites such as CardPlayer.com for up-to-date news and tips.
  • Enjoy poker-related forums and groups such as subReddits to engage with others.

Believe it or not, magazines are still around, and there are subscriptions for just about anything, including poker, such as Card Player Magazine. You can also check out their website for free advice about poker, and you can find tips and ideas for beginners on sites such as Reddit.

Watching Poker Tournaments

Poker tournaments are more popular today than they have ever been. Watching them can provide you with much of the information you need to stay abreast of industry changes, winning strategies, and the best platforms to use. Some platforms, such as 247 Poker, offer a no-frills poker experience that focuses only on the game. Some of the most popular tournaments to watch include PokerStars Player Championships, European Poker Tour, and WSOP.

Making Up Your Own Mind

Everyone has their preferred medium of information, and we all learn in different ways. Any of the sources mentioned above might appeal to you, and it's up to you to decide which works best for you. Some prefer the excitement of a glossy magazine with great articles and professional images. Others enjoy engaging online with others in online forums. Of course, you may even prefer multiple methods. The trick is finding the ones where you can absorb the info you need.


Embracing a certain lifestyle, whether for professional or hobbyist reasons, will allow you to enjoy poker in the modern world. To facilitate this and develop your mindset, it helps to play poker as often as possible. Today, people enjoy poker in VR and online poker and immerse themselves in the game across various types of media. These include magazines, forums, and watching it.


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.